Hawaii Vanilla Co. - Paauilo, Big Island


Vanilla Garam masala cooked shrimp on top of a toasted baguette with a pineapple vanilla chutney accompanied with black sea salt and garden fresh chives

Vanilla Garam masala cooked shrimp on top of a toasted baguette with a pineapple vanilla chutney accompanied with black sea salt and garden fresh chives

The shrimp it’s cooked in a vanilla Gorham masala‘s cooked to perfection with a very strong of turmeric that is grilled throughout. The pineapple on chutney has a very slight heat note to it from the red chili flakes that are incorporated into the mixture. The addition of the raisins in this brings out an umami-like flavor and texture.

The finishing of the black salt and chives on the bottom of the plate where does nothing with the dish except for appearance but as the sauce from the chutney drips through along with the sauce from the shrimp mix in together licking the plate does give a really good palate like cleanser

Vanilla Bourbon Marinated Chicken Breast on a Vanilla Sweet Bread Bun. Topped with caramelized onions with two sauces to choose from. One is Vanilla Barbecue Sauce and the other is a Vanilla Mango Chutney Aioli. Your salad is topped with a Vanilla Raspberry Balsamic Dressing, Vanilla Honey Peppered Pecans and feta cheese. You potatoes are baked in a Vanilla Southwest Rub.

Vanilla Bourbon Marinated Chicken Breast on a Vanilla Sweet Bread Bun. Topped with caramelized onions with two sauces to choose from. One is Vanilla Barbecue Sauce and the other is a Vanilla Mango Chutney Aioli. Your salad is topped with a Vanilla Raspberry Balsamic Dressing, Vanilla Honey Peppered Pecans and feta cheese. You potatoes are baked in a Vanilla Southwest Rub.

The salad is normal looking with the vanilla peppered pecans that is very mild and flavor for the vanilla and the pepper except in the back no other black pepper comes out together with the balsamic and the feta reason nice space note to this I know very nice creamy texture from the fetta 

The potatoes baked very softly with our southwest rub that has a nice smoky chipotle light flavor that hits you in the middle of a bite and lingers throughout  

Vanilla sweet bread bun has very little flat labor of vanilla is it is more like a brioche-style bread that is slightly dry on top and Chris with a very nice smooth texture throughout

The chicken breast is marinated in their vanilla bourbon sauce is very flavorful of the vanilla itself an extension which that vanilla flavor

The onions on those do not really taste much of the vanilla and do nothing really much to the sandwich